Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Standing up straight, I watched my movements.
Opening my mouth, I watched my words.
Looking straight into their eyes, I was careful of my gaze.
I've always known that my actions and my eyes can speak too.

Overall, it seemed that I directed everything perfectly.
I thought that no one would be able to see behind this ideal facade.
But looking around me, I saw no one impressed.
They'd seen right through me.

My mistake was a simple one—a fact many of us tend to overlook.
I forgot that the mind speaks too.
I forgot that we are all connected in ways we may never understand.
I made myself deaf to the song of the world—the harmony of the human race.

- © copyright (asayoungwriter) Bryanna

I wrote this piece about a week ago, but I honestly have no idea what it is. It's definitely not a poem, but it's not an essay either. Could it be prose? What do you think?

The day I decided to write this, I was contemplating on the action of lying. Lying—we've all done it before haven't we? I bet we've all told at least a single lie in the course of our life.

Now, why do we lie? Do we lie to hide something? To please others? To remove ourselves from reality? Do we lie out of fear? Out of necessity? Out of want?

Whatever the reason may be, all our lies stem from a specific root. We all lie for a reason, but I'm not saying that lying is good. I'm just saying that lying is a common thing among us humans.

Other times, we lie out of default—without thinking, we spit out words that aren't true.

I guess a good example would be the time someone asks if you're okay. If you're like the lot of people I know (including myself), your "default" answer would be, "I'm fine," even if it may not be necessarily true. We tend to lie a lot about our feelings because—well, we all have our own reasons, don't we?

That day, I also contemplated on facades—they're the appearances we put up in front of people to hide who we really are. 

I remember a particular quote saying that we have three faces—the one we show the world, the one we show our close friends and family, and the one only known to us. I remember a different quote that states that we have three dimensions—how the world sees us, how we think the world sees us, and how we want the world to see us. The closer the space between the three dimensions, it said, the more at peace we will be.

Those sayings may not seem too similar, but they definitely have connections to each other. Just like with our three dimensions, I believe that the more identical our different faces are, the happier we will be.

In the first place, why do we put up faces? Why do we put up walls? Why do we put up facades? 

We may have been hurt in some way that led us to distance ourselves from the people around us. That led us to conceal who we really are and replace ourselves with an image of a person people want to see. We may have been "forced" by others to change who we are—this is usually for the better (in the eyes of the world). 

Sometimes, we can't really help hiding who we are. Despite the world telling us to be ourselves, that same world is the reason why we can't. 

I sure hope you understand the circumstances in which I'm referring to. Explaining any further might make things more confusing.

These are the things that went through my mind when I wrote this particular piece. I would rather not explain my words, for I personally believe that a work's meaning is all in the hands of the reader.

There's are lessons scattered in those few paragraphs—one which I aimed to express and make known to those I could. They're pretty easy to spot and comprehend. Did you find them?

So, what do you think? Can you relate? I'd love to hear your thoughts about this piece and the topics I've been discussing.

Humans will be humans.
We will hurt,
We will lie,
We will build walls.
But don't forget that,
Even with this messed up world
We're living in,
Life's still good.
There still are people who are willing
To break down the walls
You've put up,
To see the truth behind your lies
And accept you for who you are.
Humans will be humans.
We will hurt,
We will lie,
We will build walls.
Just remember that everything 
That rises
Is meant to fall,
And everything that's hidden
Will soon be found.

- (asayoungwriter) Bryanna

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